Check out this panoramic view of the world from the new space station. Worth several times a thousand words.
New scripts–full circle
There’s a new script on my scripts page. I used it to write this news item. It posts the current text from TextEdit as a News Item. It’s called TextEdit2ManilaNews. Enjoy.
Also, there have been updates to my first script, TextEdit2Blog, and to ManilaHandler. Performance improvements in TextEdit2Blog, and made it dependent on ManilaHandler. And some bug fixes in ManilaHandler. Big scripting day.
Seizing the rhetorical high ground
OK, so I feel less bad for having referred to Bush’s speeches about going to war in Afghanistan as ‘The Rhetoric of Failure‘ now that I’ve read Safire’s editorial in the Times today. I’ve talked with a lot of people about the PATRIOT act that got ramrodded through Congress and about the suspension of due process, and I thought I was the only one that was concerned. It’s a bit weird for me to find Safire, a staunch conservative, agreeing with me on this one:
“Misadvised by a frustrated and panic-stricken attorney general, a president of the United States has just assumed what amounts to dictatorial power to jail or execute aliens. Intimidated by terrorists and inflamed by a passion for rough justice, we are letting George W. Bush get away with the replacement of the American rule of law with military kangaroo courts…. No longer does the judicial branch and an independent jury stand between the government and the accused. In lieu of those checks and balances central to our legal system, non-citizens face an executive that is now investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury and jailer or executioner. In an Orwellian twist, Bush’s order calls this Soviet-style abomination “a full and fair trial.”
Call your congressman. It’s time to put the brakes on before this creeping abuse of power gets any worse.
Those Crazy Northeasterners
My friend Pam just sent me this link. I’m appalled, but not so appalled that I’m not sharing it with you. And Pam, just exactly why did you think I should show this to my Mom??
Cold Naked Guys!
More comments from Pam on the link:
“Those guys were on the Today show yesterday and their site had so many hits afterwards that the site crashed several times, they are on a bigger server now. The calendar is very tasteful, and they use all the proceeds to fix up their community center. They were struggling for ways to pay for the center repairs and one guy jokingly said ‘Well, hell, I just bought a new tractor, i oughtta pose nude on it!’ Months later the calendar was made.”
Why you should buy cases of wine
Got this list in an email from our friends at the Wine Bottega (who still don’t have a Web site; hmm, maybe I should do something about that). It’s excerpted from Wallpaper magazine:
Buying Wine
There’s one golden rule when purchasing wine: buy it by the box. No, we’re not talking about wine in a box but 12 tempting bottles packed into a cardboard container. While this does involve a little planning and is perhaps not as spontaneous as nipping out for an extra bottle of Kent Rasmussen you should remember that:
- You will always drink more than you planned
- A box demands you try new varieties.
- You usually get a discount for buying volume.
- For every degree the thermometer drops in winter, the wine shop moves another block away.
- It will never go to waste.
- You always have something to bring to impromptu dinner parties.
- Carrying home a single bottle of wine after work makes you look like an alcoholic.
- Walking out with a full case suggests you have your intake under control.
- You never know what you are going to cook, so diversity is important.
- Boxes usually mean delivery. Delivery means delivery boys (or girls). You fill in the rest.
Now playing
Currently playing song: “Feel the Pain” by Dinosaur Jr. on Without a Sound.
Good morning and happy blog day
Hi all. Looking back over the last few days, I’m pretty happy with the format change experiment. I’m updating more frequently and it’s easier to go and pull all related stories together (I used to have to update the topic pages by hand, and probably will continue to have to do so a bit longer).
On the downside, my writing style has changed a bit. I used to be a bit better at remembering to write about me as well as whatever random link I happened to be looking at at the time. I think that’ll come back soon. It seems that there’s just an adjustment period to settling into a new writing style before my voice comes out again.
“Simple Guides” are best
A good guide from the developer standpoint about XML-RPC and SOAP, contrasting their differences, is available at What’s interesting is the section on how the BigCos are approaching this market and on documentation, which addresses the same point. Even if you don’t speak developer, reading these paragraphs illuminates why some companies have good developer relations and others don’t. Don’t get me using a product and then change the spec for how it works without telling me!!!
Now playing
Currently playing song: “Horses In My Dreams” by PJ Harvey on Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea.
Putting stress in perspective
Great image from the MIT school newspaper. The context: the MIT Sloan MBA program has weekly “cultural functions” (C-functions) that allow the school to get together and socialize. The woman in the picture is my friend Erika Mori, normally known more for her fashion sense than for being a human target.
Stayin’ away from the food trucks
Seems like an all-Sloan blogging day. I think I’ll be staying away from the food trucks for a few weeks after hearing about this food poisoning case.
Ask a (graduate) student who didn’t do the required reading
It’s a good morning
And I have a lot to do. I’m trying not to let it get to me today, though. Doing some writing for my marketing professor, meeting with some folks on e-MIT things. Still working on getting my financial aid in order too. When I have a chance I’ll write more about that today. And E-52s rehearsal tonight. As Dave used to say, Dig we must!
Mac OS X 10.1.1 out
Mac OS X 10.1.1 is out. It’s supposed to have fixes in the Finder and Mail as well as networking protocol updates (AFP, SMB, WebDAV), but I can’t really tell any significant differences. Build number is now 5M28. Go get it (use Software Download).