Apparently there are people even more anal-retentive about digital music fidelity than I am.
A brilliant idea, long overdue.
Category: linkblog
Grab bag: Hobbitty goodness
Commence geek ecstasy now. Can’t wait for this movie.
One long fail: “As far as I could tell, there was one thing and one thing only that the Flash Player for Android 3.0 accomplished successfully. On the stock Android browser, Flash content is invisible, so you don’t notice Flash-based advertising. With the Flash Player installed, however, all those ads suddenly appear where once there were none, their animated graphics leaping and scuttling under your fingertips like cockroaches on a dinner tray — some achievement.”
Sounds great–service to translate fonts from one format to another.
So you have to tether the tablet to a BlackBerry phone to get BlackBerry email; the ergonomics of the buttons are confusing; they’re still pushing daily updates for the review devices right before launch; and the co-CEO is cracking up. Other than that, how’s the RIM tablet?
Email marketing provider hacked by targeted malicious emails. Ah, the irony.
Notes on the inevitable demise of standalone devices.
Grab bag: Hip, jive, and weird
This is a mess.
Out of the world mellow stage!
High weirdness internet radio, based right here in Cambridge.
Grab bag: Rebuilding projects, real and fan
Long overdue.
Holy smokes, full on otaku grade obsessiveness in the service of Muppet nostalgia. Awesome.
Grab bag: Phone Home edition
You know that free services make their money on advertising, but what does that mean? How does one app that talks to five advertising services without explicit approval sound?
Never use an unqualified domain name for an internal server.
Surprised no one else has nailed this form factor.
It was funnier on April Fool’s Day
Come visit Veracode
Come talk to us on April 19.
The University’s dark past
Should be required reading for every UVA student and alum.
“it’s not his fault that he wants to dance/on top of a/piano”
Don’t read this if you are easily offended, but o my goodness the parody of both Bukowski and Peanuts is just about pitch perfect, particularly in the poems.
Style guide for the web
Comprehensive guidelines to create good web typography.
Bright lights
A rewarding quick and easy do-it-yourself repair.
Scaling beyond Delicious
How to scale SaaS under duress. Also, an interesting alternative to Delicious, if someone can suggest a way to do autoposting from it.
Grab bag: Movies &c.
Free open source fonts that each contain only one character, &. A beautiful selection.
Smart article on the downward spiral of good movies.
Countdown to ending IE6
From Microsoft, a well designed site encouraging moving off IE6.
iPhone time sink
Something to do this weekend.