OK, antivaccination parents. Here’s the thing: you’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Your refusal to vaccinate your children is endangering everyone else.
Category: linkblog
Into the void
Awesome, evocative model kit cum art project that uses Ray Bradbury’s 1949 story “Kaleidoscope” as a starting off point for a very physical meditation on mortality.
Security metrics presentation techniques
Old but good article summarizing good data presentation techniques for security metrics.
Play, or promiscuous?
Confirming what we all know. Sexy, sexy.
The state of the indie records biz
Interesting take on the current state of the biz.
Insufficiently conservative
Interesting interview with Bob Inglis, who lost his primary because he wouldn’t call Barack Obama a socialist, among other things–and he’s one of the most conservative guys around.
The Depression in color
Astonishing photo gallery of color photos from the Depression.
Grab bag: Religious freedom
Read Bloomberg’s speech. Don’t read the comments (I weep for my countrymen).
I think I’ve found a new candidate vegetable for Thanksgiving dinner.
It’s always fun studying the history of other glee clubs.
Grab bag: Winning some, losing some
Oh dear. Whoever decided it was a good idea to go after Wikipedia on what is essentially a free use matter had better have their seatbelts fastened.
Having worked inside the beast, I can’t say I’m surprised that the end user lost out to the ad industry in that decision.
Grab bag: how much would you pay for Newsweek?
Sold for $1.
Google writes their own WebGoat, in Python.
A bug in Excel, now fixed, tries to open a CSV file as SYLK if the first two letters of the file are ID. Welcome to the hairy world of software….
In other news: holy crap, Mobile Safari has a remote code execution vulnerability so big you can update an OS through it.
If one <strong> makes it strong, do many make it stronger?
View source: strong, strong, strong! Joke for web geeks only. (Via the Daily WTF.)
Grab bag: two phase commits and magic trackpads
Operations research is everywhere, or how the decoupling of order processing from order fulfillment allows Starbucks to maximize coffee throughput.
Dave Winer reads the tea leaves in the Magic Trackpad announcement and sees Apple porting iOS to Mac devices. “They’re going to close your Mac!” Me, I see people who like the trackpad experience better than the mouse experience finally getting a good alternative for the desktop. I’m one of those people but have used a MacBook Pro for about 5 years.
Grab bag: revivals afoot
The article, about a recording session with Marsalis’s band and a visiting classical pianist, is less about Marsalis’s tribute than about the mechanics of recording a band live in the studio. Nice vignette.
Brilliant analysis of what makes font revivals work, and some things that don’t, in the context of Caslon, the most revived typeface(s) of all.
Grab bag: AT&T network down, MacPaint source opened
Informative takedown of the world’s most notable dysfunctional marriage, Apple and AT&T.
The original MacPaint source code is available for download. Five files, 67.8K of code. Nice.
Grab bag: moonscapes, zero days, fiddling
Nice bit on the unplanned network effect: why bother interviewing in a Murdoch paper since the piece will have no life online?
Just because your application is “behind the firewall” doesn’t mean it’s secure.
This is where the decline of “objectivity” in the media becomes a problem. No one is ready to stand up and call this guy the character assassin that he really is.