Peer to peer found harmful

So Grokster loses. Software developers are responsible for the actions of their users. Hollywood’s dying business model lives to hemorrhage money and customers for another few years.

At least the ruling attempts to provide a test that should help lay down a line for evaluating whether peer to peer developers are subject to litigation:

“One who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright … is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties using the device, regardless of the device’s lawful uses,” Justice David Souter wrote in the ruling.

I will be interested to see Lessig’s take on the test. It seems to me that it might be possible to interpret that test pretty broadly.

The “new Internet” and business

Interesting panel discussion from Wharton on “Wikis, Weblogs and RSS: What Does the New Internet Mean for Business?” Contrary to the title, there is very little discussion of the specific impacts of blogging or RSS, but a lot of good discussion about general business shifts: lowering transaction costs as a way to enable business process flexibility, the rise in importance of economies of scope, shared benefits from collaborative improvements in products, and so forth.

Ross Mayfield of Socialtext gets one of the killer quotes of the article:

It used to be easy to measure transaction costs especially when looking at economies of scale and speed. That’s what helped justify centralization in vertically integrated firms. In the more dynamic and decentralized world, the value shifts to economies of scope. The real problem that we have is we have no transaction-cost analysis like “build versus buy” for determining whether I should share an asset and cooperate with other firms to develop greater capabilities. To create such opportunities and convince managers and decision makers that they are worthwhile, you have to deal with the fact they have been schooled in a different kind of thought. Fundamentally they have been schooled in a competitive environment where you gain by hoarding information and where there’s no rationale for more open architectures and participation.

Manila 9.5 hits the streets

Congrats to the UserLand crew on shipping Manila 9.5. This release adds a ton of industrial strength features to UserLand’s industrial strength web app, including email validation of new members, version control, and multi-level access control. There are also some killer blog features, including (finally) support for adding enclosures to RSS feeds (aka podcasting), support for the MetaWeblogAPI’s newMediaObject method (meaning that posting an image from MarsEdit to a Manila blog should now become possible) and some good spam management features for both trackback and comments.

Congrats to the team. I look forward to trying out some of the features, once my web host makes the new version available. (Pointer via Scripting News.)

Google google google, google google google.

Three Google items:

  1. The new personalized Google interface has arrived, prompting cries of “Oh God, it’s a portal.” Good: the default interface is still clean and uncluttered. Bad: for now.
  2. Google Desktop went out of beta.
  3. Google AdSense for RSS feeds launches (see fellow Sloan class of 2002 grad Shuman Ghosemajumder’s post on the Google Blog for other links). I’m really of a mixed mind on this; on the one hand, bully for all those small publishers whose sites are supported by AdSense revenue, because they just got a way to make their RSS feeds pay for themselves. On the other, AH GOD GET THE ADS OUT OF MY RSS AHHHHH!

Geez. Even writing this post, I’m feeling a little too much like John Cusack. Malkovich malkovich? Google google google.

Calling BS

Two compelling cries of bullshit in the blogosphere this morning. First, Dave Winer pegs the onslaught of advertisements in RSS accurately: it represents lazy thinking by marketers:

Here’s some food for thought for “marketers” who say they need to put ads in RSS feeds to make them pay. By some calculations, in three years, 27 percent of the NY Times hits will originate from their RSS feeds. The BBC is aiming for 10 percent by the end of the year. Neither company puts ads in their feeds because: The feeds themselves are ads for the stories they link to, which are revenue-generators. Anything that keeps people from clicking, that confuses them, takes them off course, is going to drop the click-through rate. And it’s a good deal for the users, because they get the headlines and summaries for articles they only have a superficial interest in, and can easily access the full stories for articles that they want more information on. The rare win-win.

And Doc Searls posts an insightful criticism of the effects of bell-curve thinking on IT, the educational system, and individual achievers, in a post that follows up his equally insightful two-part review of Tom Friedman’s The World is Flat and “It’s a Flat World, After All”:

…all this might also help explain why I chafe at the caste system implied in labels like “Alpha blogger.”

What I love about blogging is that it isn’t school. Instead it’s a great way to discover how the long, flat tail features plenty of original and brilliant individuals. These good folks succeed by earning links, not grades. It’s a much better, and a much flatter, system.

Happy birthday, Dave

A big happy 5-0 to Dave Winer, the Blogfather, without whose example (and eventual direct encouragement) I wouldn’t be writing this blog.

Though I have told this story before, it’s worth repeating:

  1. 1994: Dave starts writing Davenet, email punditry about the software industry.
  2. 1995: Dave’s stuff starts getting published in Wired (or HotWired, anyway). I, a junior software developer and an amateur student of the English language, wake up: here’s a software developer I’ve heard of (he scooped Apple by releasing Frontier in its first incarnation as an application automation solution before Apple released AppleScript), who’s writing intelligently and passionately about the Internet, Apple, and a bunch of other things I care about. Coooool, as Dave would have said then.
  3. 1997: I get married and we move into our first apartment in McLean, Virginia. This is our first place together, and we are at the time the furthest-north outpost of the Jarrett family (which is centered in North Carolina), so we start calling the place “Jarrett House North.”
  4. 1997: Dave starts Scripting News.
  5. 1999: Dave releases Frontier for free. I download it and start hacking it to build web pages which I serve from my old Power Mac over our first broadband line (you can see my first attempts on the Internet Archive). The site is called Jarrett House North.
  6. 1999: Dave releases Manila and the EditThisPage service, Frontier based services that take dynamic web content management and put all the tools in the browser.
  7. 2000: I sign up for an EditThisPage site and make my first post. In a moment of insanity, I name the site after my little home grown site, little thinking about the implications for the URL. It turns out that is one of the longest possible URLs imaginable.
  8. 2001: I am interning at Microsoft and find myself turning often to Dave’s site for perspective, since he’s writing about things that my company is doing and I’m doing research on online community. I decide that it’s time to start updating my site more often. Maybe once every three months.
  9. July 19, 2001: I opine on the future of SOAP and XML-RPC on the Mac platform following MacWorld. Several people, including Dave and Macintouch, point to me. “You mean people actually read this stuff? You mean I got more pageviews yesterday than (insert Microsoft product)?” I get hooked on blogging.
  10. 2002: I buy my domain name. Of course, at this point the lengthy URL is so established, I figure that shortening it by twelve letters will be sufficient.
  11. 2005: Here I am, still blogging.

Thanks for the start, Dave. It’s always good to read you and it’s been a privilege to meet you live a few times as well. Many happy returns and here’s to the next 50!

Altering my RSS workflow with BlogLines

Since moving back to the East Coast, I had the luxury of managing a single-location infrastructure. All my mail, calendar, blog management, and most importantly my RSS subscriptions were in the same place: on my laptop. Now that I’ve started work, I’ve discovered some cool ways to manage the RSS part of the workflow from multiple locations.

The key is Bloglines, the online feedreading service that I knew about but had never used prior to this week. I populated Bloglines with a set of important work related feeds (a very short list, compared to my list of 200+ subscriptions). Then I used a new feature in NetNewsWire to add my BlogLines feeds to my reading list, deleting the equivalent versions from my regular subscriptions.

Now, if I read a news item in CNet from home via BlogLines, it’s not downloaded when I open NetNewsWire at home, or vice versa. This enables the best of both worlds: I get to read a subset of my feeds through a lightweight, low impact web interface, and don’t have to manage already-read content through my fuller-featured reader.

The only concern I have about the feature is following up on the items later to blog them. I don’t do very much blogging from work—at least not until I get my formal product management blog ramped up—and there’s no convenient way to keep track of items for later blogging that is preserved from BlogLines to NetNewsWire. My interim solution is to email URLs to myself; not elegant, but effective. (I can also mark memorable items as “keep new,” but since the new setting gets reset when I view the item through Bloglines that’s a less ambiguous way of keeping an item available than flagging it.)

Manila 9.5 goes public beta

The new version of Manila, the software that powers this blog, entered public beta over the weekend. Congrats to Jake, Scott, and the rest of the Userland team.

Some of the changes in the software look really interesting for all levels of users, including nofollow support, enclosures, authenticated member signup, better management for comments and trackback (spam management), and a ton of performance fixes. Others, including version control and site access control, look squarely aimed at a specific set of customers—those inside the firewall. Very interesting.

Things I’d like to see fixed that I don’t see listed—I’m going to try to install the beta bits and check for the fixes, but haven’t gotten there yet:

  • Static rendering issues with news items: This is the biggest pain for me. Currently the news item department, comment, and trackback links are all broken on every news item on my static site (www is the static site; is the dynamic site). The static rendering code should be smart enough to link to the dynamic site for these items—or else we should have the option to do static rendering of comments, trackback, and news item department pages.
  • The calendar on static pages: Unless you go back and re-render a month manually, the navigation on the calendar of a static page does not link to any content published after that page was rendered. This makes paging chronologically forward through the content a real problem. It’s not just a problem for one month, either, since the “next month” link points to the last available content date. So basically you have to manually re-render a given month for a few months in a row to avoid losing the thread of the navigation in statically rendered pages. Manila should either do re-rendering automatically as part of a scheduled maintenance process, or should identify a different way to handle the calendar function.
  • Better archive handling: Now that this site has almost four years of content, the limited archive paging (month at a time) that the calendar control offers is frustrating. I’d like to see automated support for weekly, monthly, or yearly archive pages, even if they only offer titles and not full content. I’d also like to see more robust department archives. Currently they only manage a fixed number of news items (50?) per department, and then you have to use the calendar (or Google) to find older entries. I’d like to see Manila support paging, date-based archiving, or some other intelligent way of finding deeper content without taxing server resources on news item department pages.

I look forward to playing with the beta some more over the next few weeks in my shrinking spare time.

Welcome to the neighborhood

Aaron Swartz: SFP: Come see us. Looks like Aaron got some initial round funding to work on his company this summer as part of Y Combinator’s Summer Founders Program and will be setting up an office here in the greater Boston area. Congrats, Aaron! (I like the description of the area he attributes to Paul Graham of Y Combinator:

“Now you want to go about finding an apartment. You want to get a place on the red line [the local subway] because then you can go see people and people can go see you. The best place to go is Davis Square, because it’s cheap, fun, and on the red line. Harvard is fun and on the red line but not cheap, Porter is cheap and on the red line but not fun, so I recommend Davis, Inman, and Central, in that order.”

Reach out and touch some blog

Scobleizer: An old friend gets in touch. This nails why I started blogging to begin with. In 2001 I was living alone in Seattle for the summer and feeling isolated, so I started the blog to stay in touch with friends and family. It still works that way—not only do I keep up with what George and Craig are doing through their blogs, but a host of other people from my past, including Fury, Luisa, and other friends from high school and other parts of my life have contacted me because they found my blog in Google or some other search engine.

Followup: Conversing in slow motion

Following up yesterday’s post about BlogPulse’s Conversation Tracker: it seems that the proof of concept tracker doesn’t update very frequently. I turned the Conversation Tracker on itself to see who was spreading the meme about it, and the same links show up today that showed up on yesterday. Neither my post nor Dave Winer’s appears in the list.

I guess I’m spoiled, but based on my experience with tools like Blogdex, Technorati, and Feedster, I expected to see up to date results. Note also that there is an embedded date range in the above link. There does not appear to be a way to bookmark a permalink to get current results for a given conversation; you have to reset the date ranges each time.

Update (31 March): Natalie Glance from Intelliseek was kind enough to point out that the date range parameter is optional on the URL string (though there does not seem to be a way to leave it out when building a new string using the UI). Also a correction—I originally wrote that my original post was made Friday (it was a long day yesterday).

Blogpulse Conversation Tracker

Micro Persuasion: Tracking How the Blogosphere Spreads News. Use Blogpulse’s conversation tracker to understand the spread of conversations about hot stories online. Might be overloaded right now…

One thing I noticed—if everyone links directly to a URL without linking their source for it, the “conversation” looks pretty flat, with a bunch of links that point directly to the source and only a few that show deeper conversation.

Joining the tagging revolution

As you might have noticed/wondered from my last post, I’m experimenting with tags on this blog. Garrick Van Buren released Tag Maker for MarsEdit, a quick AppleScript that makes Technorati and tags from selected text in posts. I like the for making the tags, but not necessarily the end result—the scattered parenthetical tags are, I think, a little distracting.

Unfortunately, on Manila, I can’t use the suggested alternative, Laura Lemay’s script that places all the tag links at the bottom, because Manila blogs don’t get the Keywords field in MarsEdit.

So I’ll probably end up altering my workflow and hacking Garrick’s script to make it do what I want it to do. Still, some tags are better than none.

Tags: tagging (), MarsEdit (), Manila (), AppleScript ()