Party on, Dave and Adam

Dave says that he and Adam Curry will be sponsoring the pre-BloggerCon party on Friday night, at, um, the Hong Kong in Harvard Square.

Man. The Hong Kong. Site of plenty of late nights, some relatively sane (like the night we went there at 1:00 am when I was an undergrad, after riding a bus up from Charlottesville, and I almost lost a contact on the floor). Some not (like the night after my final exam first semester of grad school, when the acidic fruit in the world famous Scorpion Bowls made me feel like my ulcer was recurring, and I had to leave the party to buy Tums—a harbinger of more troubles later that evening).

Somehow, I can’t see myself dragging Lisa over to that party, even if it means missing out on a chance to share scorpion bowls with the blogerati.

MBAs can really talk

I have one more event (out of four in two days) here at Harvard Business School in a few minutes, and then I can relax. It’s been a crazy couple of days, but I should be able to enjoy a little bit more of Boston soon.

Getting ready for BloggerCon

I’m doing my best to get ready for BloggerCon. I’m downloading the Lydon interviews for listening on the plane; I’ve read the conference blog for days; I’ve signed up for dinner with Doc Searls (but will they let me bring my spouse?); am I forgetting anything prior to the conference?

Yes. I need to put my humble hat and my listening ears on. This is the first place I’ll be with other bloggers (outside the Seattle circle) who will know me not as “Tim of Jarrett House North” but rather “Tim the Microsoft blogger.” I expect I’ll get a lot of input, some of it friendly, some constructive, and some impassioned. And I expect a lot of it will be really good. But the important thing is, I’m not going to speak; I’m going to learn.

A week in Boston

I’ll be in beautiful sunny Cambridge this week to talk to MIT and Harvard business school students about Microsoft. I’ll also be at the BloggerCon this weekend. In between I hope to squeeze in a little vacation and maybe celebrate our anniversary (Lisa is coming along).

I tend to be productive blogging on the plane; between airport wifi and long hours of enforced immobility, I find time to write software and get ideas out into words. Hope this trip continues the trend.

BloggerCon, and you’re invited

Have I commented yet on the terrible irony that I left Boston and its environs just as Dave Winer, the Blogfather, was moving there? Yes? Ok, moving on to the main topic: BloggerCon, the first convention specifically for bloggers, is October 4 at Harvard Law. Registration online. The conference is invitation only, which may explain why I can’t find all the details on the main site, but here’s some goodies from the invitation:

4. Presenters include Glenn Reynolds, Joshua Marshall, Doc Searls, Scott Rosenberg, Adam Curry, Elizabeth Spiers, Jim Moore, Susan Mernit and more. Moderators: Lance Knobel, Ed Cone, Christopher Lydon and myself. And new discoveries, people we hadn’t heard about until we set out to find the most interesting and eclectic blogs and bloggers.

5. We’re going to talk about how weblogs are used in politics, business, journalism, the law, medicine, engineering and education. And it’s Harvard so you know it tastes good and is good for you too. ;->…8. Our local host committee of Boston-based bloggers includes Cluetrain author David Weinberger, InfoWorld’s Jon Udell, author Halley Suitt, MIT’s Andrew Grumet and Tracey Adams, Harvard librarian Jessica Baumgart and Larry Bouthillier from Harvard Business School.

Maybe I can talk Lisa into a trip back East for a four or five day weekend…