Rockin’ like Dokken (er, or something like that)

One more down. I finished the Finance final yesterday afternoon just in time to run to the first of a series of meetings.

I looked over the day’s updates late last night and was surprised to see how calm I was yesterday morning. By last night I was a mess. I finished the first pass at the final E-Lab slides, took the Finance final (a take-home) for about three and a half hours, and headed in to our team meeting. That necessitated a redo of my slides, and ran until E-52s rehearsal was to start for the talent show. I grabbed a plate of food from a reception that was going on (hey, I was invited), ran rehearsal, and then we split for the auditorium.

The talent show was a lot of fun. The Sloan Hanukkah Song was cute, although it’s a shame it took three guys to do what Adam Sandler could do by himself… A few of the Italians from our class performed the Three Tenors (with pillows under their tux shirts) singing “O Sole Mio”–and followed with a singalong. I had a lot of fun bellowing in my best Pavarotti. Maybe there’s something to the concept of learning some of those songs like Lisa keeps asking. The group did really well with our three songs–got a lot of compliments. The highlight, though, had to be Bob, Barry, Chris, Juan, and Sam performing a plugged in “Sweet Child O’ Mine” as the Jack Tang Orchestra, looking a lot like G’n’R and sounding really really good. I guess everyone’s as happy to be done with the semester as we are…

Now playing

Currently playing song: “The Downtown Lights” by Blue Nile on Hats. (Hey, Esta, listening to Mr. Mister is no shame–at least they had top 40 hits!)

Wrap-up, Day 1

It’s a quiet morning. I have a few things to work on today: a few last slides for my E-Lab project, a take-home final for Finance II. And a thick fog outside that blots out the top of the tall buildings normally visible from outside my window.

No classes until February. Kind of nice, actually. I’ve spent–I think all my classmates have spent–the entire semester since 9/11 waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now it’s going to be all done in less than a week. What have I accomplished?

Well, the out of class things spring to mind first. We found some great first years to run with things for e-MIT–starting with rebranding it, to Sloan Entrepreneurs. Which just makes so more sense. And the E-52s got past a rough start to be a really cohesive group. We have our final gig of the semester tonight, and I’m just going to enjoy it.

Reaching the end of Finance II is a big deal… We wrote a really great paper for eBusiness…. I think it’s too early to decide the accomplishments for the rest yet, but somehow just getting to the end feels like an accomplishment.

Well, almost to the end. Gotta go hit those slides…

Script update

New script update today. I made a minor change to one of my supporting scripts, SOAPXMLRPCHandler, that should improve the ability of scripts calling it to return successfully when talking to slow websites. If you are using any of my *2Manila or *2Blog scripts, you’ll want to download this performance fix.

Making money from web services and other problems

Web Services: The Next IT Revolution?, which I co-wrote with three other MIT students for a course in eBusiness at Sloan, is now available on-line. We discuss the basic technical architecture of the IBM/Microsoft model of web services (as well as the current implementation practices), privacy and security impacts for individuals and organizations, the effects that web services will have on the software industry and on consumers, and how we think people will make money on web services.

If you aren’t familiar with the technology, you’ll probably be hearing more about it soon–it’s the paradigm behind Microsoft‘s .NET, Passport, and Hailstorm.

If you’re really familiar with the space already, you’ll probably find lots of places where we’ve made mistakes or consciously excluded things. One of the things that we consciously excluded was implementations that don’t follow the Microsoft and IBM model, including XML-RPC. Originally we wanted to include a balanced comparison of the different approaches, but realized we were limited on both time and space. In partial compensation, the website points to a couple of really good discussions of alternatives to the SOAP/UDDI/WSDL implementation approach.

My co-writers, Adam Brady-Myerov, Buddhika Kottahachchi, and Wenona Charles, have put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this project and have had some really valuable things to say. It’s been a real pleasure working with them.

It doesn’t feel like the last day of classes

Ugh. Three courses down, three to go. I just delivered the final paper for my eBusiness course (more on that in a second). Now I need to catch my breath and turn around a take-home final, write a final paper for Literature, Ethics, and Authority, and finish our group presentation for eLab. (By the way, all of the above is why I haven’t blogged much lately.)

Merry Christmas from Google

I thought that this would be a day without blogging — I’m just dealing with the usual end of semester crap and didn’t have anything new to say. Then I saw the announcement: 20 years of Usenet available via Google.

I had forgotten some of the stuff I used to spend time writing about–poetry, fonts, even some stuff in PowerBuilder. But it’s not forgotten any more — both from my days at Virginia, where I had my first Usenet access, and at AMS, when I was first a programmer.

One thing I’ve noticed: my sense of typographic anal-retentiveness in monospaced type. I must have spent a really long time in the computer lab getting that early .sig file lined up just right…

Would you like herring with that solo?

I forgot to mention: the E-52s had their inaugural gig on Thursday. It was surreal. We were singing for penguins. No, real penguins. The faculty party was at the Boston Aquarium, and it was a hideous performing space. Think cement cube with balconies facing into the center, which has a column of aquatic exhibits going up to the roof and a spiral ramp around it, and a pond at its base with rocks and penguins. The best option for singing was on a small alcove on the first floor facing the penguins. No one could hear us. But it was fun anyway.


Sorry for the multiple postings. I’ve got to make some adjustments to my script–it keeps reporting timeouts when it’s actually completed sending the message.

Let it snow

It’s been a great weekend. Primarily because I’ve procrastinated.

Friday I got in a solid chunk of work on a project for New Product Development. Then I crapped out. We made an Italian meatloaf — that’s made with ground beef and Italian hot sausage, with hard-boiled eggs in the middle, and some other good stuff that I won’t discuss now, then covered in the tomato sauce that Lisa canned this summer. Saturday I got a little work done — mostly just hung out with Lisa, shopping etc.

Today was the real red-letter day. It was the first snow of the winter last night–supposedly two inches, though the ground was too warm for accumulation. Lots of pretty flakes with no side effects–my favorite kind. We got up early, went shopping. Came back with Lisa’s Christmas present. We definitively decided — she’s a Tiffany girl. Did some cooking afterwards: a killer pork rib roast. Dry rub the pork with salt, pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, fennel… wet roast it in beef stock and wine with quartered oranges… serve it with more sliced oranges and reduced roasting sauce. Oh yeah. I’m delighted to report that two years in business school haven’t killed my cooking abilities.

So this week will be miserable. That’s ok. The weekend was worth it.

Praise Bob! Praise Whittards!

I’m working from home this morning. It’s amazing how much more productive I can be by adding two distractions: Bob Dylan‘s Love and Theft on the stereo and a cup of hot tea. I’ve given Lisa a lot of grief for her habit of bringing back a small duffel bag worth of tea every time she goes to London, but I have to admit, Whittard’s Christmas Tea is awfully nice.

Classic installer weirdness

Weird experience just now: I installed the latest classic Mac OS update (9.2.2) while running Mac OS X. I doubleclicked and ran the installer; it quit all processes IN MY MAC OS X session (except the Dock) and then logged out OS X when it was done. Surely it could have just dumped me back into X and made me restart the Classic process. Frankly, though, I’m amazed it worked at all.

“Aid and comfort” rears its ugly head

Free speech must be getting Ashcroft down:

“To those who pit Americans against immigrants, citizens against non-citizens, to those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve… They give ammunition to America’s enemies and pause to America’s friends. They encourage people of good will to remain silent in the face of evil.”
