I really dig today’s Diesel Sweeties. So that’s what that articulated neck is for… 🙂
Author: Tim Jarrett
Where have I been?
I’ve been quiet the last few days. Partly it was company (my inlaws came into town Friday and left yesterday); partly a class I took last week. Partly it’s gearing up for my last semester. And partly it’s making sure I’m focusing on the right things.
I’ve spent most of the last month visiting friends and getting my first solo application out to the public. I was getting ready to jump in and add a bunch of new features but I hit some roadblocks. There’s a lot of other things I need to do as well–for instance, the Sloan E-52s need some new arrangements and some new members… I will get work done on Manila Envelope when I can. One thing I’ve found for sure, putting a new API in behind the scenes as a choice is not a transparent thing. There are some serious UI decisions to make.
But at the same time, I have a wife who I’m getting ready to uproot and move across the country for my new job; a father who’s been very ill in the hospital (he’s getting better); a grandfather who just got out of the hospital himself, now on a new regimen of medicine to help him overcome the effects of an undetected stroke; and a bunch of other family who I just made contact with again. There are certain things that take priority hour to hour.
Just an apostate enjoying the choir
I just saw my in-laws off after a nice weekend in which we took in the North End and the Symphony. I was watching the playoff game with my father in law before I went to get their car at halftime. Walking down Salem Street, I saw a guy stick his head out a third story window and yell “PATRIOTS!!!” at the top of his lungs. Up and down the street there were roars of approval.
I don’t watch football under normal circumstances, but there’s something great about being in the city when the Patriots are playing and playing well. Must be like what atheists feel like going to a really rousing church service.
Blogger, Radio, and Manila Envelope
Dave‘s helping me make magic: The Blogger API in Radio. What does this mean? Well, for starters, once Manila Envelope supports the Blogger API (soon!) it will be able to post to your local Radio site. Lots of people are using Radio and other Blogger enabled tools… The power of a simple interface appears again.
Manila Envelope 1.0.2
Manila Envelope 1.0.2 is out. See the release notes. In particular, note the caution about posting to Radio sites. As noted yesterday, Manila Envelope does not post to Radio based websites. The problem is that Radio and radio.weblogs.com do not support the Manila API (a way of communicating with the website via XML). Tentative target for support of Radio is version 1.1.
Heads down til Friday
I’m in a workshop on distributed leadership for the next three days, so there won’t be a lot of blogging. (Famous last words.) I already have some things I want to try to write about. For instance, is creation a fundamentally selfish act? Or is it only selfish the way I do it? 🙂
The truth
I keep forgetting to post the results of last week’s IAP College Bowl. I’m sorry to say that the omission is probably Freudian. Yes, we lost, but we were the winners of the “losers’ bracket,” and I got invited to join the team. Maybe, in my copious spare time…
Manila Envelope and Radio Userland
I’ve had feedback from a few people who have tried to use Manila Envelope with Radio, either against their desktop website or on radio.weblogs.com. The short version is that Manila Envelope doesn’t work very well with Radio right now.
The long version is that Radio 8.0.1 doesn’t support the Manila API for SOAP calls, just the Blogger API. I didn’t start testing Radio until after its release, and just started to figure out some of the issues around the time that I did my 1.0 release.
The good news is that people had already requested the Blogger API as an option, and I’m looking at it for a future release. So this isn’t a permanent incompatibility, just a short term issue. I’m somewhat intrigued that people want to run Manila Envelope against their local Radio site; I didn’t think the Radio user interface through the browser was that bad, but I understand the desire for a consistent user interface.
Manila Envelope 1.0.1 Released
Manila Envelope 1.0.1 has been released. Bugfixes, mostly, and a few new features, including importing text files and automatic translation of special characters (e.g. å, é, î, ò, ü, ç, ñ, etc.) to their HTML entity equivalents. Check out the full release notes for more details.
Now playing
Currently playing song: “Pride (In The Name Of Love)” by U2 on The Unforgettable Fire.
Happy MLK Day. Enjoy the progress.
Editorial in today’s Washington Post: “Gaps measured by race loom large in school performance, health status, incarceration rates and, of course, the death penalty. Skin color, it is widely feared in 2002, increases the likelihood of being stopped, searched and arrested.” Plus ça change…
Proud Sloanie
Interesting article in the New York Times on Amazon today, regarding the importance of their operations management capability in making profit. I’d like to point out for the record that Jeff Wilke isn’t just an MIT alum, he’s an MIT Sloan alum. You don’t read stories like that about Harvard Business School grads, do you? 🙂
Getting serious
In doing this project, I’m continually reminded of things that I knew once and have subsequently lost. For instance, making sure that I follow a consistent process for building and publishing. I just realized that the build I made yesterday still showed 1.0A1 as the version number in the About box. As a result, I started a checklist for my build and deployment process. Our old configuration manager at AMS would be so proud…
A slightly lazy day…
I’ve finished all the bug fixes (that I know of) and a few surprise new features for Manila Envelope. I’ll release v. 1.0.1 tomorrow (I can’t get to my iDisk tonight).
For now, I wanted to publicly thank the folks who emailed me to report bugs and make suggestions: Nicholas Riley, Jeremy Wilker, Martin Fenner, Oliver Wrede, Clark Venable, Walter, and Peter Gallagher.
Because he sold all the old songs
So finally Moby is ready to release new material at the Olympics. I still find Play a really good album, even if I’ve heard all the songs other places (like “Body Rock” being sold first to “Veronica’s Closet” and “Ali”… or was it “Black Hawk Down”?).