Patent Madness!

Wired: Software Writers Patently Enraged. In a nutshell, software company A is awarded a patent for a specific method of doing something that lots of other software companies do (in this case, encrypting and decrypting documents). Company A then goes after Software Companies B and C to request license fees for infringement. Companies B and C argue that the patent should never have been issued, since their products considerably pre-date the patent application and since at least one has published “prior art” describing the technique in question.

There have been variations of this story written many times in recent memory, including such lulus as British Telecom claiming a patent on the hyperlink. In the Rambus case, the machinery of justice seems to be grinding against obviously fraudulent patents. But the more severe problem for most software companies seems to be these patents that many would argue never should have been issued in the first place.

Am I missing something? It seems like the PTO should be finding the prior art and refusing to issue the patents. Without this, all software writers would seem compelled to develop enormous patent application libraries on the off chance that someone will come along and patent something they wrote five years ago–a kind of IP Mutually Assured Destruction?

Italy 2002 Trip Report: Rome

May 30 – April 2: In contrast to our previous trips to Rome, I don’t have that much to report about the four days that ended our Italy trip…probably because I was sick for two of them.

We arrived around 2:30 pm Saturday afternoon and checked into the hotel. (Aside: If you can save the money to go there, the Hotel De La Ville Intercontinental in Rome is a decent place to stay—atop and to the side of the Spanish Steps, five star service…<sigh>.) We grabbed a late lunch at a trattoria around the corner from the hotel. I was tired out from driving and flopped while Lisa took her parents in the direction of Trastevere. She woke me up later to go down to the Piazza Navona with her and grab a glass of wine at our favorite enoteca/café.

Sunday we went to Santa Maria di Trastevere, a thirteenth century church that’s pretty distant from the crowd at the Vatican. After we went to lunch at Romolo, built in a fifteenth century palazzo (with a walled garden) that was the home of Raphael’s mistress. Afterwards I started feeling unwell. Thinking it was heatstroke, I walked home ahead of the family. And then it started. At one point my distress was so bad I was shaking (though not with fever). By Monday I was some better but still had to spend the day in bed. Tuesday morning we flew back. So all I really saw of Rome was a little bit of Trastevere, the Piazza Navona, and the inside of our five-star bathroom.

Free speech (if you say something I like)

Salon: Killing the Messenger. Consider William Harvey: arrested for peacefully carrying a sign and handing out leaflets in New York City. Okay, so his message was that the US brought 9/11 on itself with its handling of relations with Islamic countries, and he was bringing it within a few blocks of Ground Zero.

Naturally there was a crowd and it got ugly. Harvey was arrested for disorderly conduct, although his conduct was apparently pretty calm. Harvey filed a motion to dismiss, which was struck down in mid-February. The judge doing so, Judge Neil Ross of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, argued that disorderly conduct could be charged given “the reaction which speech engenders, not the content of the speech.”

Thanks, judge, for giving the crowd the power to criminalize my speech. I thought protection from that was what the First Amendment was about.

Does software development evolve?

Salon: A unified theory of software evolution (via Slashdot). The upshot is that software development (a) goes much more slowly than a linear rate; (b) is driven by various feedback loops including market demand, internal debugging, and the whims of individual developers; (c) can be characterized as a tradeoff between debugging and growth. The author of the theory, Meir Lehman, characterizes the issue as managing entropy.

While this doesn’t seem groundbreaking on the surface (heck, even Microsoft has figured out the last point), it’s a fact that escapes most managers of software development efforts, often with disastrous consequences (remember Rhapsody?). It’s also funny that, even in a surface examination of this question, you run into the most painful problems with software engineering: how do you measure software development? how do you manage the trade-off between specifications and adapting to the unknown?

(phew) for a minute there I lost myself

Currently playing in my skull: Radiohead’s “Karma Police.” I dropped a course on Friday that I thought didn’t look promising, and that I thought I didn’t need. Over the weekend, I got paranoid and checked my requirements again. Good thing; it turned out I needed the course after all. I got in early Monday and was able to pick up my drop form and shred it before it got processed. Score one for paper-based processes. I complain about them being in place, but there aren’t many information systems that are designed to allow that much time for second guessing.

I never really understood “Karma Police” and am not sure I do still, but yeah, for a minute there…

Italy 2002 Trip Report, Day 6

The fifth in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

29 Mar 2002: Lisa’s dad has decided to take the day off; he will remain behind in Positano while we take the boat to Capri. A wise choice, it turns out, given the amount of wind and rough water we face in the next hour.

Capri is as beautiful as I remember it, though colder. We start in the town of Anacapri, which is smaller than the main town, tourists everywhere, fewer stores. A poster on the wall of a store shows an unusual lion and a little less high-brow style than is normal on the other side of the island.

The other side of the island: expensive pottery, good food, limoncello. Sitting in a café it occurs to me that I enjoyed the island more when I was able to hike around it on the previous visit and get away from the pottery, food, limoncello, and cafés.

That night in Positano, we try to go to a restaurant I remember on the cliff path above the town. But our early dinner plans don’t fit the Positano lifestyle and we return to La Cambusa. The food is still excellent… and the staff seem actually happy to see us.

Italy 2002 Trip Report, Day 5

The fifth in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

28 Mar 2002: We breakfast leisurely and catch 10 a.m. boat to Amalfi. Fall into tour of the Duomo—fascinating, as the church is a palimpsest of 10th through 19th century with frescoes over frescoes, baroque over medieval, plaster and wood colonnades over original Roman and Moorish columns.

Window shopping, disappointing lunch, more shopping, gelato, and return to Positano. Dinner (2) at La Cambusa. Highlights—complimentary prosecco and antipasti, delicate seafood risotto, grilled anchovies, complimentary local provolone. Gelato after.

Italy 2002 Trip Report, Day 4

The fourth in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

27 Mar 2002: Spend 1.5 hours lost but find Fiano Country—Feudi di San Gregorio. Very under construction. Big facility. Tour from very patient guide Cinsia includes Feudi’s olive oil production, the lab, and a 40 min discussion of the processes with head oenologist Massimo. Taste: Falenghina, Greco, Fiano, and top of line Taurasi.—Drive down toward Naples. Lunch at self serve place in Pompei. We take Lisa’s parents through—most impressive is Villa dei Misteri with frescoes of the initiation rites for the Dionysiac Mysteries. Leave. One wrong turn later, find road for Positano behind a series of buses. Dinner (1) at La Cambusa—very enthusiastically received. Bed.

Italy 2002 Trip Report, Day 3

The third in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

26 Mar 2002: Directions from a resident businessman to Calitri—to make up for inadequate signage, he sends us an hour out of our way north, then down through lots of hill towns—and wheat fields—and wind farms. Half an hour after a declaration from il mio suocero that one would have to be crazy to live here, that he understands why his parents left, and that as far as he was concerned they could have it (occasioning a response from mom: “stop being such a nutty old coot!”)—we find Calitri. The Hotel Ambasciatore desk clerk Ten-Su (!) tells us that the Calitri Lucadamos had tried to find us the previous night.

We go to the records office at the Comune and discover that they have no information about the predecessors of the emigrating Lucadamo, Angelo Maria, except the names of his parents, Carmine and Teresa Schiavone. It is decided that the birth date we have for Teresa S is incorrect—she could not possibly have had Angelo M when she was 49.

We meet the young Cinzia L. who runs the town biberia—she is charming and friendly and calls the family to let them know we have arrived. Later as we discover the hotel has no heat we decide to return to Avellino. Just then all the relations show up. We spend two hours conversing in Italian to discover that there are one or two Carmine and Angelo Lucadamos in each generation for as long as anyone can remember, so finding ours will be nearly impossible—and take our leave after Cinzia gifts us with a ton of wine. We take the road back in the direction of Lione, solving the question of how to get back without a very long journey. Dinner at a trattoria—very good pasta.

Italy 2002 Trip Report, Day 2

The second in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

25 Mar 2002: Lost in Avellino—just like two years ago. We miss the turn several times for Calitri—it’s not posted—and give up for the night. The Hotel Jolly, while twice the price of the hotel we were to stay at in Calitri, is as good as a reasonable European chain can be. Dinner in hotel restaurant unremarkable except for a bottle of wine from Feudi [di San Gregorio].

A whole new Web(b)

Congratulations are in order to my good friends Don and Kim Webb, who have announced the birth of their first child, Sarah Madalyn (Maddie). I don’t have pictures this time, but maybe soon.

Don Webb has been one of my closest friends since college, when he and I sang together in the Virginia Glee Club. He was best man at our wedding, but since his move to North Carolina we haven’t seen nearly as much of him as we’d like. Here’s hoping we can change that soon.

Covering the globe, one confluence at a time

The Confluence Project: ” The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here.” Thanks to Shel for pointing this out. So far, out of the 12,757 confluences (latitude and longitude intersections) out there that occur on land there have been 1611 documented by the project. This is a pretty cool idea—and seems to be pretty well executed.

Italy 2002 Trip Review, Day One

This is the first in a series of transcriptions of my experiences traveling with my wife and her family in Italy. The originals were scribbled on whatever pieces of paper were handy and are presented here unedited.

24 Mar 2002: 8 something pm. Off to an interesting start. Arrived at airport 5ish. Lisa and her parents had difficulty with their e-ticket—it took an hour to straighten out. We spent some time talking to the nice ticket lady and found out there had been a system changeover. We expressed lots of sympathy—being IT people, we swapped stories—she is a trainer for the new system! Shortly thereafter we got a complimentary upgrade to World Traveller Plus. Go BA.

Subsequently we had to go back over and get our boarding passes. Then we sat in the Sam Adams Bar and caught our breath.

Watching Lisa’s dad figure out the features in his seat is a lot of fun. The Man Who Wasn’t There on TV.