Drag and drop IVR in the browser — interesting stealth mode startup that’s launching Monday.
Flash Player 10.1 makes a big transition from Carbon to Cocoa. Going to do some testing tonight and see what it does for performance.
Upload your photo to NASA and it will fly into space on one of the last two shuttle missions.
WordPress 3.0 allows themes to create custom navigation menus.
That’s kind of cool.
Apple did a good job turning around what was a dreadful web mail interface and making it acceptable.
To: AT&T for hogging so much bandwidth; England for the Revolution, tobacco companies, Brownie, Milli Vanilli, and of course to BP for getting our ocean in their oil.
Author: Tim's Bookmarks
Grab bag: Scary gadgets and useful software
Just saw this post from Howard Anderson: "I refuse to live in a world where my computer appliances are now smarter and more powerful than I am."
Useful tour through the textutil utility, a command line utility in Mac OS X for converting among txt, doc, docx, rtf, rtfd, HTML, wordml, odt (?), and webarchive formats.
Grab bag: Astroturf, La Cascia’s, CSS3
Stock photos! What can’t they do?
Found: one great Italian deli in Burlington, MA.
An intriguing but frustratingly unusable CSS3 example for showing and hiding content using only CSS and HTML, no Javascript. Frustrating because it “doesn’t work in Webkit,” which is mentioned as an aside 3/4 of the way down the article. So only Firefox and Opera, I guess…
Grab bag: Usability, Pernice, Apple Store AppStore App
The article sums up the total of user research. The comments are a microcosm of user resentment. A good capsule of how even good UI changes (and the movement of the search box in Wikipedia is a good change) engender resentment.
Two pleasant surprises–today’s new Pernice Brothers album and Joyce Linahan’s book about working with him, “Pernice To Me.”
Freaking awesome home experiment to demonstrate: standing waves, principles of electromagnetism, the speed of light, gooey marshmallowy goodness.
So this is the Apple Store App Store app. Store. Appstore. App. HELP!
Gruber sums up a dynamic that’s starting to be reminiscent of “listeners vs. RIAA”: “Safari Reader doesn’t kick in by default. It’s invoked by the user. Apple isn’t telling Jim Lynch his site is ugly and hard to read. His readers are. If your website is user-hostile, don’t be surprised when your readers fight back.”
Grab bag: No Levine at Tanglewood in 2010
On the plus side, I’ve never sung with Michael Tilson Thomas before.
In the IEEE’s Computer magazine, a good discussion of secure development lifecycles.
Gleeful recording
A full half-hour recording of the Glee Club’s performance in Northern Virginia from 2008.
Grab bag: Hiring, elections, preservation
I dig this recruiting strategy. If only I could work up the nerve to break out the d20 in the next PM interview.
Honest, occasionally painful, and insightful look at the failure of a startup. Good object lessons.
That would have been a fun election. I don’t really think I’m looking forward to hearing about her lawsuits over this loss, though.
I’d say that it looks like Reid has his re-election sewn up, but then I don’t know how well massive right-wing crazy plays in Nevada.
Incredible survey of preservation efforts at LoC. This is the next frontier of history–how to keep everything from the 20th century (and before, obviously) from crumbling to dust before we can understand it.
Grab bag: Demento goes Internet-only
A summary of recent developments in web font technologies.
A clean HTML5+JS+CSS way to annotate websites, as a Safari plugin.
Alas, the Doctor goes digital only. The airwaves are a little sadder today.
Aw, to be 12 again. Even as a self admitted adult Lego geek I can’t justify spending coin on this, but the new sets are awesome.
Horror, war, and comics
Awesome online archives of the late E.C. Comics illustrator.
Grab bag: Genius, exhaustive, clever, sour, binary
Deep dive into how Apple uses recommendation algorithms to make playlists that you want to listen to.
Thoroughly exhaustive list of default CSS hooks for WordPress. Would have come in handy when I was styling my blog.
Wow–on the fly conversion from Flash (SWF) to HTML5+Javascript+SVG. Amazing.
Nice survey of my personal favorite development in beer. You haven’t had refreshing until you’ve had gueuze.
Interesting technology project for binary analysis.
Tastes great, or less filling?
Gartner uses Veracode’s data on application security to illustrate the point: in the real world, there aren’t significant security benefits in using .NET or Java to write an application.
The TFC at 40
A loving look at the TFC. I’m looking forward to our next appearance. I won’t be singing in the season opener but will be there for Stravinsky and Mozart later in July.
Au revoir, pendulum
Make mine an Emmy
MAKE: TV was nominated for an Emmy, up against Martha Stewart. My money is on JP.
Free Siberry
Wow. There was a moment where Jane Siberry was about the most spectacular voice I had ever heard. Think I need to explore some of the back catalog.