DevOps Topologies: considering all the ways that development and operations organizations can work together (or separately) and what’s wrong (or right) about each option.
Day: September 21, 2016
The myth of fingerprints
InfoWorld (Chris Wysopal): Election system hacks: we’re focused on the wrong things. Chris (who cofounded my company Veracode) says that we should stop worrying about attribution:
Most of the headlines about these stories were quick to blame the Russians by name, but few mentioned the “SQL injection” vulnerability. And that’s a problem. Training the spotlight on the “foreign actors” is misguided and, frankly, unproductive. There is a lot of talk about the IP addresses related to the hacks pointing to certain foreign entities. But there is no solid evidence to make this link—attribution is hard and an IP address is not enough to go on.
The story here should be that there was a simple to find and fix vulnerability in a state government election website. Rather than figuring out who’s accountable for the breach, we should be worrying about who is accountable for putting public data at risk. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter who hacked the system because that doesn’t make the vulnerabilities any harder to exploit or the system any safer. The headlines should question why taxpayer money went into building a vulnerable system that shouldn’t have been approved for release in the first place.
I couldn’t agree more. In an otherwise mediocre webinar I delivered in June of 2015 on the OPM breach, I said the following:
After a breach there are a lot of questions the public, boards and other stakeholders ask. How did this happen? Could it have been prevented? What went wrong? And possibly the most focused on – who did this?
It is no surprise that there is such a strong focus on “who”. The media has sensationalized stories about Anonymous and their motives as well as the motives of cyber gangs both domestic and foreign. So, instead of asking the important questions of how can this be prevented, we focus on who the perpetrators may be and why they are stealing data.
It’s not so much about attribution (and retribution)…
…it’s about accepting that attacks can come at any time, from anywhere, and your responsibility is to be prepared to protect against them. If your whole game plan is about retribution rather than protecting records, you might as well just let everyone download the records for free.
So maybe we should stop worrying about which government is responsible for potential election hacking, and start hardening our systems against it. Now. After all, there’s no doubt about it: it’s the myth of fingerprints, but I’ve seen them all, and man, they’re all the same.