The article sums up the total of user research. The comments are a microcosm of user resentment. A good capsule of how even good UI changes (and the movement of the search box in Wikipedia is a good change) engender resentment.
Two pleasant surprises–today’s new Pernice Brothers album and Joyce Linahan’s book about working with him, “Pernice To Me.”
Freaking awesome home experiment to demonstrate: standing waves, principles of electromagnetism, the speed of light, gooey marshmallowy goodness.
So this is the Apple Store App Store app. Store. Appstore. App. HELP!
Gruber sums up a dynamic that’s starting to be reminiscent of “listeners vs. RIAA”: “Safari Reader doesn’t kick in by default. It’s invoked by the user. Apple isn’t telling Jim Lynch his site is ugly and hard to read. His readers are. If your website is user-hostile, don’t be surprised when your readers fight back.”