The Snow Leopard compatible version of the Reunion genealogy software for the Mac is out.
The deeds describing the disposal of Abraham Hershey’s property after his death are listed here.
Photos of the index pages (by grantor) of the Lancaster County Deeds, permitting you to use the microfilm reader to find the deed you’re looking for. Brilliant.
Black Francis (and Bob Lefsetz) indict “I’m a PC” and the music business in one fell swoop: “Too many lame-ass, greedy cooks in the kitchen! The soup is SOULESS!”
Stay classy, Arizona: “Steven Anderson, the Arizona pastor who says he’s praying for President Obama’s death has now thrown in some helpful specificity. He wants him to get brain cancer like Sen. Kennedy.”
The Incredibles Fantastic Four? Captain Amerimickey? The mind boggles. Wonder what this does for the cause of creator owned characters…
Rands discusses the review experience and its breakdown from both sides of the desk.
Laser cleaning isn’t just for exfoliation: a backpack laser will be used to clear years of pollutants off marble capitals on the Lawn.