I apologize for the plethora of linkblog posts here over the past little bit, and for their relative paucity. It’s been a busy few months. I got a new boss and transitioned from a “second product manager” to more of a lead role, at about the same time that we launched a set of significant initiatives (c.f. press release if interested, if not, c.n.f.). We launched last night, a day after I got back from a holiday visit to my in-laws, and two days into the rehearsal cycle for the last Boston concert of the 2009-2009 Tanglewood Festival Chorus season, the Berlioz Te Deum.
Like I said: busy.
Not too terribly bad, though. I’m batching it for a few days and enjoying the ability to just sit and catch my breath. Did you know that there’s this thing called television? And that, mercifully, Google Reader maxes out at reporting “1000+” unread items?