A landmark article on phone phreaking, absolutely riveting 38 years later.
Investigating low-volume ways to cook pasta. Conclusion: with a little pretreatment, you can cook a pound of pasta in as little as 1.5 quarts of boiling water.
John Park continues his transformation from unassuming animator into world dominating celebrity.
EMI and Apple monetize the pre-release leak. Kind of brilliant, really.
Now that’s a home office.
Guess I know what I’m reading next.
Ooops. Hope the satellite is recoverable.
Let’s be careful out there. It’s a good idea not to open Excel documents from people you don’t know anyway.
Too bad it’s Windows only. But LyricWiki looks like a good bet for pop-up free lyrics. Wonder how long it is before they’re C&D’d?
How far it’s come. XML Notepad was a top search term on Microsoft.com while I was there. It was a sample project that was hosted for a while on MSDN, then went away, and people went nuts trying to find it again. I guess someone noticed. It’s a nice little XML editor.