Pretty awesome JavaScript+CSS app to allow you to design a color scheme with a deep palette and sample uses.
Please, rich people, spend us out of this mess!
In other words–endpoint and application security are where we should be spending our time, not redesigning the core protocols.
Nice way to de-dupe dynamic content on the web: link rel=”canonical”. And there’s a WordPress plug-in.
My reading: The New Yorker joins the rest of the world in projecting a post-inaugural letdown onto poor Shepard Fairey for his creation of the Obama Hope poster.
“It wasn’t often that President Eisenhower lingered on the ground floor of the White House. But something on that sticky summer evening had summoned him downstairs, to the unfamiliar corners of the Vermeil Room, where he stood transfixed before the alabaster temptress with the narrow black eyes. True, it was only a painting, but the hero of D Day was besotted nonetheless, lost in the glossy visage of Dolley Madison.”