It would be interesting to check this out and compare it to the iTunes Genius.
So far it seems just to be posting links to the Flickr page. Hope they do more with it.
Qui custodies custodiet? You can, on Flickr (and Twitter). Building up the alternate history as a set of social media "leaks" is brilliant.
Day: February 5, 2009
In awe of the immensity of it all.
The Bad Astronomer (fellow UVA alum Phil Plait) points to a really spectacular Hubble image of an unusual spiral galaxy. For me, the takeaway is when you look at the really big version of the image (not the 28 MB one but the 4.3 MB one) and look at all the background galaxies. Not stars, galaxies–hundreds of them, all shapes and sizes. Here’s a tiny corner of the image:
When I see a picture like that, I think, how could we possibly be alone in all this beauty?