Divine Rules for Product Managers #1: Prepping for Engineering Meetings (The Cranky Product Manager)Interesting post from Cranky regarding managing influence with engineering teams. The insight is that each engineering needs to be managed as an individual stakeholder for any productive teamwide discussion to take place. This is, I think, because engineering is a flatly organized discipline where any individual can derail consensus at a moment's notice. Much better to do your convincing one on one.
This is seriously scary. Any one who thinks that industry will always do the right thing need only look to Appalachia for counter examples, time after time after time.
Byrne compares the travails of the newspaper industry to the music industry, and is concerned.
A list of links to White House photos, documentation, and models. Agreed, Tin Man: you might be the tiniest bit obsessed (though at least you're not the one making the Sketchup models).