Interesting, if a little navel-gazing, article about how the Obama relationship with the press is evolving in the transition.
Go get it. Now. Since you can’t easily uninstall IE, it’s better to be patched even if you’ve already made the switch to Firefox.
Interesting historical archive of WordPress administrative UI. I was just looking for something like this since I can’t look at my WP 2.5/2.6 dashboard any more. It also gives context for why people hated the 2.5 administrative views so much, though I though they were pretty good.
A fairly creative way to get around a shortage of gray blocks and plates.
Dust off that old Unix disk, the user-space AncientFS filesystem for MacFUSE will let you mount it from Mac OS X.
More documentation on how the blended GIF + JAR (GIFAR) attack worked, and some thoughts on mitigating it. In particular, I like the idea of having a separate domain to store user contributed content.
A quotable year.
View the score of Arvo Pärt’s Symphony No. 4 online.
The BSO and MFA avoided the Madoff mess through due diligence, apparently.
Interesting for the Civil War photos and the building of the Statue of Liberty; fans of early cinema should be pleased too. Interesting to see what else comes on line from NYPL.
Multifactor vulnerabilities lead to massive exploits. The scary bit about this is that this points out that the 500,000 or so IIS servers that got hit with SQL injection attacks are, if they remain unpatched, fertile ground for exploiting just about any other vulnerability that comes around.
I’m thinking steak for Christmas. Will try this method once before then.