Enabling the new WordPress 2.7 comments functionality in a legacy template. Very interesting.
I don’t think this will be the last marginal retailer to go by the wayside in the next year.
Did someone say dirty tricks?
Hmm. Interesting stab at true online identity.
The line at my precinct (which votes alongside Precinct 14) just 80 minutes before I got there.
“Where’s the ‘super’?” Heh.
And that’s what it’s all about.
So, anti-Obama blogs that don’t link to anything but themselves aren’t really read as blogs but help propagate smears into Google search results. Y’know, where I come from, we call those spam blogs, link spamming, and a bunch of other nasty names.
This will stand as the election in which voters shook off the shackles of television and reclaimed a fraction of their power.
One thought on “Oh heck, it’s almost all about the election.”