Brilliantly written review of the history of the vote in America, including fisticuffs and the importing of secret voting from Australia.
It’s tempting to sniff about critics who don’t understand finance making precious analogies between Black-Scholes and Derrida, but y’know, maybe there’s something there.
This is the kind of physicist I always wanted to be.
More fun and games with the voter rolls… in Colorado.
You know, price cuts on big screen TVs sound interesting, but only if you think the buyer is going to have a job.
Breaking: Fox is right wing and MSNBC is left wing!
“A government of national unity starting at 8:45 pm tomorrow” sounds about right.
Another interesting Obama related song from Funky16Corners.
Oh my. Hours of fun ahead, I can tell.
On the benefits of being an outsider in an insider club.
Heh. Nice one from Woody, a little more stream of consciousness than his old work but sill funny.
Chatting the election as it goes. Sounds like a party.
More safe for work than the name suggests. I think they missed a few kerfluffles, but I’m not going to point it out to them.
Some more thoughts on using Twitter to route around election problems.
Twitter Vote Report looks like a good way to remind the dirty tricksters that they’re being watched.