Positive review, ultimately.
The bailout passes the House. Phew. Could be good news for McCain, if only the majority of the House Republicans hadn’t voted AGAINST again.
The New Yorker endorses Obama. The Tin Man points out that this is only the second time in the magazine’s history that it has offered an endorsement of a presidential candidate. Worth reading.
Bargain $5 MP3 albums on Amazon over the weekend. To check out: the Wynton + Willie collaboration.
Official coverage of the lifting of the UVA sign ban at athletic events.
Interesting notes about restoring some of the missing features of the original Pavilion design, including the roof parapets.
Insightful review about the first big-press Achewood collection. Wishlisted.
An excerpt from Hughes’ letters that, maybe, puts a stop to the one-sided criticisms of his role in Plath’s suicide. Yes, he had a role, but so did she, and he never forgave himself for what happened.
Ig Nobel 2008 winners!!!! Improving the perceived crispness of a potato chip, the negative impact of armadillos on archaeology, fleas on dogs jump higher than fleas on cats, pricing effects on placebo effectiveness, slime molds can solve mazes, Coke is (or isn’t) a spermicide…
I think I’ve seen this before but can’t remember when. Quite funny. And I’m guilty of quite a few of these.