More hints about cross-platform font goodness.
Managing salespeople is a little like managing opera stars (my analogy, not theirs).
Disqus steps into the Commenters Rights discussion. Baking this into the code is fine, as long as it remembers that there are two kinds of comments: benign and spam.
Interesting to see the rage in the comments at the suggestion that people should actually, you know, drive the speed limit.
You have to, have to, have to watch the performance on Dick Cavett. Rarely have I seen the clarinet played like Buster Keaton would have.
Long thought lost 1950s BSO broadcast tapes, restored. So why aren’t they on the Internet Archive? Or at least on iTunes?
Very interesting. I have to say, though, that as someone who spends most of his time in Bloglines these days, I’d need to get hands on to figure out the incremental benefits.