I think that we need more of this kind of thinking. With the problems facing this country, rivalries need to stop after the election and we need to put the best qualified team of people on fixing things.
Why pay a band less for audio cassettes that you make enormous profits on? “Because that’s the way it is.” If you ever doubted the record business was fatuous and cynical, doubt no more.
The flip side to my post yesterday about B&W. This is why they’re jumping so hard into digital distribution and working so hard to build audience.
Interesting perspective on how Chicago’s emerging post-partisanship might inform an Obama general electoral campaign.
What this article needs… is instructions.
Joan Anderman finds a few good things about Scarlett Johansson’s otherwise benighted Tom Waits tribute album.
Didn’t see this one coming.
Reactions to the VRM initiative.
And then there were three: Google Books, Amazon’s Search Inside, and Project Gutenberg/Internet Archive.
Disappeared base near where I grew up.