It’s probably not too early to start talking about running mates, but it sure feels like it.
Nice to see a member of the RIAA hoist on their own petard.
An interesting point: “‘The statistics show that there’s no effect on piracy.’… then [DRM] is merely a nuisance for the user.” Or a lock-in tool for Apple?
The new Apple Store looks, from the street at night, like a parking garage.
Anthropological explanation of Twitter; or, putting a human face on the “network effect.”
Yes, another WordPress theme. Might do the trick.
I actually like the blank 3 column theme here. But does it support WP 2.5 and widgets?
Another free theme–this one built on a solid type grid.
Examples of drop caps on various sites.
3 column, rotating images, nice typography
Two links? Too kind dude!!
No fear. This amateur type hound is enjoying getting a chance to play as I set this new site up, and I appreciate resources like your site.
Obama + Edwards = sadly, no: