Lisa and I paused from house stuff long enough on Sunday to head out to Crane Beach, and I’m really glad we did. Lisa had already visited a few times and liked it enough to become a member of the association that maintains the property. But I hadn’t been able to visit until this weekend. Compared to some of our other beach visits, this beach was an Intercontinental property: prime location, impeccable facility, and really expensive ($22 to enter without a membership).
The sand was smooth and fine, almost like talc. We set up our sun tent and basked for a little while in the 80° weather, then headed for the ocean. Which was about 58° F. I couldn’t bear to immerse my whole body, just stood knee deep with my teeth chattering, while Lisa pointed out the other amazing thing about this particular beach: the water was so clear that we could watch streams of minnows zipping past our knees in a continuous flow. It was absolutely amazing.
I didn’t get my camera out while the sun was really bright, but managed to get a few decent shots in spite of increasing cloud cover. My greatest disappointment was that I wasn’t able to capture the luminosity of the water against the cloudy sky in a photograph, though the first one in the set gives a hint of what I saw.