George writes about his and Becky’s experience driving back from Vermont to Massachusetts in the middle of the Christmas snowstorm last night:
We started the morbid road game of tracking the whackos passing us at 50+ mph. Not just SUVs, add minivan drivers to that list. We watched a minivan fly by, only to see them off the road in the median about 10 minutes later. A 3-4 hour trip turned out to be 7, but we made it home.
I’ve had a few trips like that one. One with my parents from southeast Virginia up to Lancaster County, PA, and one a few years back from northern Virginia to Lakewood, New Jersey. What should have been a four hour trip was about twelve hours, starting with two hours to travel fifteen miles on the beltway. Needless to say, I was quite happy not to be driving anywhere in snow this year. We’ve even had respite from the rain out here.