Unbelievable: Palm just released a public beta of Palm Desktop for Mac OS X. And it only took them nine months (or more, if you count when the OS X public beta appeared).
Day: December 29, 2001
Radio? What’s a radio?
I just found this hommage a radio in Doc Searls’ weblog (I’m only a day late. Sue me, I was in Appalachia). It’s fascinating, except that it’s a nostalgia that I can’t share. I think the equivalent nostalgia for my generation (born in 1972) would have to be personal computers. Maybe video game consoles. Feelin’ old yet, Doc? ๐
First PC I ever spent any hands-on time with? Probably an Apple IIe (Apple ][e?), or maybe our family friend’s Atari 800. First family computer–Apple //c. First computer of my very own? Mac SE/30. That was only two Macs ago for me. They last a long time…
Trying hard to recover from inexcusable blog absence
Home again. I’ve never been so glad to hear the street sounds of Boston. Probably because I’ve already eaten (a sub from Monica’s Pizza, naturally) and because there weren’t any shoe-bombers on our flight. I’m now getting ready to collapse and enjoy being back.