Sad but true: Nabokov story submitted anonymously to online editors. Asinine criticisms ensue.
New story: Virii and Ecosystem Health. Why does everyone use Outlook? Really?
I saw the re-release of Monty Python and the Holy Grail last night. It still has the nervous lunacy of a first time film. The rerelease didn’t really clean up the visuals all that much–the picture quality simply wasn’t that good to begin with. I saw it in a theatre with about 12 other people. Quite a different experience from college, in a packed lecture hall with a bunch of people raging drunk reciting the script a step ahead of or behind the action. But still a very funny film:
Also: I used a new method to post a story and it screwed up navigation via the calendar. To get to the stories for 7/25 and 7/26, you may want to use these links:
Wednesday: “Ni!”
Thursday: “A Steampunk Party”